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There are workbooks and 41 videos of between approximately 35 to 40 minutes per video length, in this video-on-Demand Training Programme for Therapists who desire to enhance their Couples Counselling skills and/or add Couples Counselling work/skills to their private Therapy practice. The skills will enhance your ability to work confidently and competently with Singles, Pre-married Prep, Partners, Couples, long and very long time marrieds.
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The Singles, Couples, Partners, Marriage Programme
Series 1-7 delivered by Video-on-demand.
Series 1:
8 Videos On-Demand + Digital Workbook 1
Series 2:
4 Videos On-Demand + Digital Workbook 2
Series 3:
7 Videos On-Demand + Digital Workbook 3
Series 4:
7 Videos On-Demand + Digital Workbook 4
Series 5:
4 Videos On-Demand + Digital Workbook 5
Series 6:
6 Videos On-Demand + Digital Workbook 6
Series 7:
5 Videos On-Demand + Digital Workbook 7
You can also purchase individual series
The Singles, Couples, Partners, Marriage Programme
Series 1 delivered by Video-on-demand.
Series 1 Session 1: Summary of some of the topics covered in the programme: “An Eclectic mix” of counselling and psychotherapy models.
Series 1 Session 2: How we first met; Poem by John Wood; tell your story of how you first met; Graphical representation of harmony & disharmony in relationships
Series 1 Session 3: “Pinches & Crunches” in relationships; childhood development; Scripts; Russian Doll – inner child concept
Series 1 Session 4: Relationship patterns & images; Stubborn as a mule; Jake & Jasmine; Emotional Bank Account
Series 1 Session 5: Communication foundations; Ambiguous images; Back-to-Back Complex Drawing Exercise; Rate the Conversation Conflict topic; Communication as the hub in the Bicycle wheel
Series 6 Session 6: Communication Skills (1) – “It’s not about the nail”; “Men in the dog house”; Books – The Art of Loving; Men are from Mars, Women are from Venice; Why men don’t listen & women can’t read maps; The brain as a filter; 9 Dots Exercise; Body language v speech; Hearing & Listening; Five types of poor listeners
Series 1 Session 7: Communication Skills (2) – Good & bad times; 48 hour rule; set a time limit; take a break; The Floor card Exercise; Communication Conflict sheet issues; Signatures & Arm-folding Exercises
Series 1 Session 8: Transactional Analysis (TA) – Parent, Adult, Child ways of interacting; Childhood Development & Sexual Map/Template; Poem: Children learn what they live; Neural Pathways
The Singles, Couples, Partners, Marriage Programme
Series 2 delivered by Video-on-demand.
Series 2 Session 1: Collusive Fit (1) – Book: Getting the love you want; Article by Harville Hendrix & LaKelly Hunt; Couples fit, Babes in the woods; Cat & dog
Series 2 Session 2: Collusive fit (2) – Net & Sword; Parent & Child; Idol & Fan; Article: Do you fight like cats and dogs?
Series 2 Session 3: Book: Hold me Tight; The Gottman Institute resources
Series 2 Session 4: Stages of change: Pre-contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance, Relapse
The Singles, Couples, Partners, Marriage Programme
Series 3 delivered by Video-on-demand.
Series 3 Session 1: Greater Insight & Understanding of Self (1) – Better understanding you; Moving stuff from the unconscious to the conscious to effect change; Poem: My heart & brain divorced; Blob tree & characters in the pew – which is you?; Emoji facial expressions; Poem: The world’s finest apple; Who is the real authentic you?; Are there layers of the Russian doll to be stripped away? Circles representing “Systems”; learn to love you; “mirror, mirror on the wall….”; Self-compassion test; Apology Test
Series 3 Session 2: Greater Insight & Understanding of Self (2) – Better understanding of self; The three Questions game’; Johari’s window; Core Emotional Needs; Fight/Flight/Freeze
Series 3 Session 3: Greater Insight & Understanding of Self (3) – Better understanding of self; “Values”
Series 3 Session 4: Greater Insight & Understanding of Self (4) – Better understanding of self; Life Stage Change (not mid-life crisis!); You have moved the goal posts; Article “Having a first pregnancy/child; Consider individual Therapy
Series 3 Session 5: Greater Insight & Understanding of Self (5) – Better understanding of self; Article “A sense of well-being”; Begin the upward spiral of you; Exercise: “Who Am I?”; Journal/diarise your journey
Series 3 Session 6: Greater Insight & Understanding of Self (6) – Better understanding of self; Exercise: “Who AM I?”(Continued); My Triumphs & Strivings; Change has begun because you can see a problem; Lead the horse to water but…; THE tools work; Neural pathways; Donkey in the well – shake it all off!: Get use to get up and dusting off; Therapists are containers & filters for clients issues that need filtering
Series 3 Session 7: Greater Insight & Understanding of Self (7) – Better understanding of self; Timelines & Genograms; Highs & lows of life; Consider Singles & Couples Diagnostic sessions; Sample Genogram; Sample Timeline; Book your Diagnostic Session
The Singles, Couples, Partners, Marriage Programme
Series 4 delivered by Video-on-demand.
Series 4 Session 1: Attachment (1); Diagram of Secure Attachment; Diagram of Insecure Attachment; Secure Attachment; Avoidant Attachment
Series 4 Session 2: Attachment (2); Ambivalent/Anxious attachment; Disorganised Attachment; Impact of Insecure Attachment on Sexual wellbeing
Series 4 Session 3: Attachment (3); Book – “Come as you are”; Attachment Theory and its impact on sex; Article “Your Attachment style influences your sex life”
Series 4 Session 4: Conflict (1); The 4 Horsemen; Article :Science says…”; Background to The Gottman Institute Research
Series 4 Session 5: Conflict (2); The 4 Horsemen (Continued)
Series 4 Session 6: Conflict (3): Conflict Management; Purple Ronnie Poster; The Old Rabbi; Four main causes of Conflict; Seven A’s of an effective Confession (1)
Series 4 Session 7: Conflict (4); Conflict Management & Resolution skills; Seven A’s of an effective Confession (2); Acknowledge; Accept; Self-Compassion Quiz; Apology Language Quiz; Forgiveness & Four Promises of Forgiveness; PAUSE Principle
The Singles, Couples, Partners, Marriage Programme
Series 5 delivered by Video-on-demand.
Series 5 Session 1: Forgiveness; Why is Forgiveness important; Personality Type Quiz; Self-Compassion Quiz; Apology Language Quiz
Series 5 Session 2: Repair Attempts (1); Soft Start-up; I feel…; 5 Love Languages; Apology Language
Series 5 Session 3: Repair attempts (2); Emotional Bank Account; Exercise: Post-its on body parts;
Series 5 Session 4: Repair Attempts (3); Is your marriage primed for romance; I Appreciate; Stress reducing conversations; Other Gottman Institute Sheets;
The Singles, Couples, Partners, Marriage Programme
Series 6 delivered by Video-on-demand.
Series 6 Session 1: The 5 Loves (1): My Book- The Art of Loving; Overview of Epithumia; Eros; Phileo; Storge; Agape; The Dual Control Model of arousal
Series 6 Session 2: The 5 Loves (1): in depth explanation of Eros; Phileo; Storge; Agape; Purple Ronnie poster
Series 6 Session 3: Grief Loss Cycle/Wei Chei Diagram
Series 6 Session 4: Brain & Brain functioning; A neuroscience explanation
Series 6 Session 5: The 4 Elements Tools for better managing emotions; Dissociation; Breathing technique; Saliva production; Calm/Peaceful/Safe place & tapping
Series 6 Session 6: EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing): Diagrams of the brain, 4 Elements sheet; Explanation of EMDR; EMDR articles and Video clip examples
The Singles, Couples, Partners, Marriage Programme
Series 7 delivered by Video-on-demand.
Series 7 Session 1: Mind full or Mindfulness?: Explanation
Series 7 Session 2: Narcissism (1): Definition of Narcissism (part 1)
Series 7 Session 3: Narcissism (2): Definition of Narcissism (part 2); Empathy; Brene Brown’s Youtube video on Empathy
Series 7 Session 4: The Drama Triangle: otherwise known as The Karpman Triangle; Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Series 7 Session 5: Sex (1); Introduction to Sensate Focus & Techniques; Sex (2); Advanced Sexual Techniques; Book your homework review session; Consider whether Sex Therapy/Psychosexual Therapy is indicated
If you are unsure of anything, please call us for a friendly and confidential chat.