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The Kairos Singles, Couples, Partners, Marriage Programme is now available as an ‘On Demand’ videos. Most importantly, you have complete flexibility in terms of managing your learning outcomes. Furthermore you can manage your time and budget, from the comfort of your own home.
The Singles, Couples, Partners, Marriage Programme
Series 1-7 delivered by Video-on-demand.
Series 1:
8 Videos On-Demand + Digital Workbook 1
Series 2:
4 Videos On-Demand + Digital Workbook 2
Series 3:
7 Videos On-Demand + Digital Workbook 3
Series 4:
7 Videos On-Demand + Digital Workbook 4
Series 5:
4 Videos On-Demand + Digital Workbook 5
Series 6:
6 Videos On-Demand + Digital Workbook 6
Series 7:
5 Videos On-Demand + Digital Workbook 7
You can also purchase individual series
The Singles, Couples, Partners, Marriage Programme
Series 1 delivered by Video-on-demand.
Series 1 Session 1: Summary of some of the topics covered in the programme: “An Eclectic mix” of counselling and psychotherapy models.
Series 1 Session 2: How we first met; Poem by John Wood; tell your story of how you first met; Graphical representation of harmony & disharmony in relationships
Series 1 Session 3: “Pinches & Crunches” in relationships; childhood development; Scripts; Russian Doll – inner child concept
Series 1 Session 4: Relationship patterns & images; Stubborn as a mule; Jake & Jasmine; Emotional Bank Account
Series 1 Session 5: Communication foundations; Ambiguous images; Back-to-Back Complex Drawing Exercise; Rate the Conversation Conflict topic; Communication as the hub in the Bicycle wheel
Series 6 Session 6: Communication Skills (1) – “It’s not about the nail”; “Men in the dog house”; Books – The Art of Loving; Men are from Mars, Women are from Venice; Why men don’t listen & women can’t read maps; The brain as a filter; 9 Dots Exercise; Body language v speech; Hearing & Listening; Five types of poor listeners
Series 1 Session 7: Communication Skills (2) – Good & bad times; 48 hour rule; set a time limit; take a break; The Floor card Exercise; Communication Conflict sheet issues; Signatures & Arm-folding Exercises
Series 1 Session 8: Transactional Analysis (TA) – Parent, Adult, Child ways of interacting; Childhood Development & Sexual Map/Template; Poem: Children learn what they live; Neural Pathways
The Singles, Couples, Partners, Marriage Programme
Series 2 delivered by Video-on-demand.
Series 2 Session 1: Collusive Fit (1) – Book: Getting the love you want; Article by Harville Hendrix & LaKelly Hunt; Couples fit, Babes in the woods; Cat & dog
Series 2 Session 2: Collusive fit (2) – Net & Sword; Parent & Child; Idol & Fan; Article: Do you fight like cats and dogs?
Series 2 Session 3: Book: Hold me Tight; The Gottman Institute resources
Series 2 Session 4: Stages of change: Pre-contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance, Relapse
The Singles, Couples, Partners, Marriage Programme
Series 3 delivered by Video-on-demand.
Series 3 Session 1: Greater Insight & Understanding of Self (1) – Better understanding you; Moving stuff from the unconscious to the conscious to effect change; Poem: My heart & brain divorced; Blob tree & characters in the pew – which is you?; Emoji facial expressions; Poem: The world’s finest apple; Who is the real authentic you?; Are there layers of the Russian doll to be stripped away? Circles representing “Systems”; learn to love you; “mirror, mirror on the wall….”; Self-compassion test; Apology Test
Series 3 Session 2: Greater Insight & Understanding of Self (2) – Better understanding of self; The three Questions game’; Johari’s window; Core Emotional Needs; Fight/Flight/Freeze
Series 3 Session 3: Greater Insight & Understanding of Self (3) – Better understanding of self; “Values”
Series 3 Session 4: Greater Insight & Understanding of Self (4) – Better understanding of self; Life Stage Change (not mid-life crisis!); You have moved the goal posts; Article “Having a first pregnancy/child; Consider individual Therapy
Series 3 Session 5: Greater Insight & Understanding of Self (5) – Better understanding of self; Article “A sense of well-being”; Begin the upward spiral of you; Exercise: “Who Am I?”; Journal/diarise your journey
Series 3 Session 6: Greater Insight & Understanding of Self (6) – Better understanding of self; Exercise: “Who AM I?”(Continued); My Triumphs & Strivings; Change has begun because you can see a problem; Lead the horse to water but…; THE tools work; Neural pathways; Donkey in the well – shake it all off!: Get use to get up and dusting off; Therapists are containers & filters for clients issues that need filtering
Series 3 Session 7: Greater Insight & Understanding of Self (7) – Better understanding of self; Timelines & Genograms; Highs & lows of life; Consider Singles & Couples Diagnostic sessions; Sample Genogram; Sample Timeline; Book your Diagnostic Session
The Singles, Couples, Partners, Marriage Programme
Series 4 delivered by Video-on-demand.
Series 4 Session 1: Attachment (1); Diagram of Secure Attachment; Diagram of Insecure Attachment; Secure Attachment; Avoidant Attachment
Series 4 Session 2: Attachment (2); Ambivalent/Anxious attachment; Disorganised Attachment; Impact of Insecure Attachment on Sexual wellbeing
Series 4 Session 3: Attachment (3); Book – “Come as you are”; Attachment Theory and its impact on sex; Article “Your Attachment style influences your sex life”
Series 4 Session 4: Conflict (1); The 4 Horsemen; Article :Science says…”; Background to The Gottman Institute Research
Series 4 Session 5: Conflict (2); The 4 Horsemen (Continued)
Series 4 Session 6: Conflict (3): Conflict Management; Purple Ronnie Poster; The Old Rabbi; Four main causes of Conflict; Seven A’s of an effective Confession (1)
Series 4 Session 7: Conflict (4); Conflict Management & Resolution skills; Seven A’s of an effective Confession (2); Acknowledge; Accept; Self-Compassion Quiz; Apology Language Quiz; Forgiveness & Four Promises of Forgiveness; PAUSE Principle
The Singles, Couples, Partners, Marriage Programme
Series 5 delivered by Video-on-demand.
Series 5 Session 1: Forgiveness; Why is Forgiveness important; Personality Type Quiz; Self-Compassion Quiz; Apology Language Quiz
Series 5 Session 2: Repair Attempts (1); Soft Start-up; I feel…; 5 Love Languages; Apology Language
Series 5 Session 3: Repair attempts (2); Emotional Bank Account; Exercise: Post-its on body parts;
Series 5 Session 4: Repair Attempts (3); Is your marriage primed for romance; I Appreciate; Stress reducing conversations; Other Gottman Institute Sheets;
The Singles, Couples, Partners, Marriage Programme
Series 6 delivered by Video-on-demand.
Series 6 Session 1: The 5 Loves (1): My Book- The Art of Loving; Overview of Epithumia; Eros; Phileo; Storge; Agape; The Dual Control Model of arousal
Series 6 Session 2: The 5 Loves (1): in depth explanation of Eros; Phileo; Storge; Agape; Purple Ronnie poster
Series 6 Session 3: Grief Loss Cycle/Wei Chei Diagram
Series 6 Session 4: Brain & Brain functioning; A neuroscience explanation
Series 6 Session 5: The 4 Elements Tools for better managing emotions; Dissociation; Breathing technique; Saliva production; Calm/Peaceful/Safe place & tapping
Series 6 Session 6: EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing): Diagrams of the brain, 4 Elements sheet; Explanation of EMDR; EMDR articles and Video clip examples
The Singles, Couples, Partners, Marriage Programme
Series 7 delivered by Video-on-demand.
Series 7 Session 1: Mind full or Mindfulness?: Explanation
Series 7 Session 2: Narcissism (1): Definition of Narcissism (part 1)
Series 7 Session 3: Narcissism (2): Definition of Narcissism (part 2); Empathy; Brene Brown’s Youtube video on Empathy
Series 7 Session 4: The Drama Triangle: otherwise known as The Karpman Triangle; Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Series 7 Session 5: Sex (1); Introduction to Sensate Focus & Techniques; Sex (2); Advanced Sexual Techniques; Book your homework review session; Consider whether Sex Therapy/Psychosexual Therapy is indicated
If you are unsure of anything, please call us for a friendly and confidential chat.