2 Week Re-building the Couple Relationship Group Course
2 full days over 2 weekly group face to face workshops.
Venue: The Kairos Therapy Centre
Dates & Times: Contact us to enquire about our next Couples group or individual intense session.
Price: £450 (Per couple)
Who should enrol?
Finding out about sex/porn/love addiction is traumatic. The behaviour is an assault on the relationship. It is more than a “pinch”, it is a serious “crunch”. As painful a crunch as a Rottweiler dog getting its jaws locked in a part of the body. It hurts; a lot; an awful lot. Trust is undermined. The photo album takes on a different meaning. History together is questioned. Memories become distorted. The best years of one’s life given to a person you no longer feel that you know and could really have known. How do you recover. Hopeless and no visible future necessitates thoughts of surviving and re-building alone.
Before you make any immediate bridge burning decisions, even if you don’t know what you want and love is lost in the ether. You owe it to self, your partner, any children, the extended family, to male your decision from an informed place.
The course does not presume that the couple have decided to stay together. Far from it. Breaking up may be top of the agenda. Still – come on this course and go on a journey, so that at completion, your decision is an informed one based on accurate knowledge and truths.