Sex Porn & Love Addicts Diagnostic Session
Trauma, Opportunity, Attachment issues are the 3 types that induce sex porn and love addicts and are the triggers for ongoing “Acting Out”. Want to know more and better understand?
Many people experience some type of wounding during early development and learn to manage their emotions, but sometimes it gets the better of them. Sex addiction is not about sex. Sex is a symptom of an underlying problem. Sex is not the problem. It is a symptom and an outlet. We do not see with our eyes. We see with our brain. Want to know more; to better understand?
It is not the sex addiction activity that is wanted, but the feeling.

This is a good representation of what an Insecure Attachment void looks like. There then follows, a lifetime attempt to fill the void with “stuff”.
The chase is for the feeling and big risks and boundary crossing will be taken to get the feeling. We need to identify the underlying problem that is being sought to be met and treat that. Without doing so, then any treatment will shift the outlet to a different addiction waiting in the wings to take the place of sex addiction.
The question is: What is the purpose, the role and function that the sex addiction serves. So, we should not really be talking in terms of “Sex” or “love” addiction, but more accurately, identify the feeling-state applicable to the behaviour – such as “Admiration addiction”, “affirmation addiction”, “endorsement addiction”, “Love addiction” etc. (ie what is the core need that is being sought)
Take back control. Become the best that you can be and take back control over your life by having the Diagnostic Session.
We offer a brief telephone chat to answer any questions that you may have prior to booking. Text, email or phone The Kairos Centre.
Sessions will be via Secure webcam and so you can be based anywhere in the world and merely somewhere in the UK!
What can you expect by the end of the Diagnostic Session?
- Help you to better understand the issues which have been affecting your quality of life
- Identify and clarify your current negative affects
- Better understand how your past has its tentacles in your present and is affecting your future
- Identify a road-map what you can do to align your present with your desired future – Convergence
- Create immediate actionable steps toward resolving the issues and your vision, goal and desire
- Strategize around what steps you could usefully take to resolve them – should you be so inclined
- Enhancing your capacity and ability to be the best that you can be
Each set of Diagnostic Sessions is booked as 5 x 50 minute sessions using secure encrypted webcam.
Postponement means another day in mediocracy
This will undoubtedly be a life changing experience. You know that you have needed and wanted to take a step like this in the past and have not quite known what to do and have postponed it repeatedly.
“Kairos” means “Your appointed time”. There comes a time in all our lives when the time and circumstance is exactly right. The time is exactly right – NOW. Don’t postpone again. Take action.
Two roads diverged in a wood, and
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference
– Robert Frost.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to message The Kairos Centre.