Series 4: Maintaining your gain & Avoid Relapse
Tools to stay sober: Remember that all the tools are transferable for use in other Compulsive or Addictive patterns of behaviours in your life. Very important that we watch the back door for the co-addiction behaviour which tries to come through the back door to take the play of the reducing Sex, Porn, Love Addiction behaviours. The brain will offer you another self-soothing behaviour. Usually there is another co-addiction (less used behaviour) waiting in the wings. Keep and maintain a watching brief – so it does not get in through the back door and bite you in the bum – very hard!
Session 1: Relapse Prevention Tools (part 1)
Mark your achievement and gain to date by a Creative Project. Applaud the “Time & Money” savings you are making by the reduction in the behaviours, by doing a Reward & Treat. Create a Plan of Action as a Risk Management Strategy for your future, to address 10 High Risk Factors and how you will deal with them. Then carve out the Support Structure of peoples in your different circles of life, who can support your long term Recover and are “go-to” people and activities with them.
Session 2: Relapse Prevention Tools (part 2)
Look what you have achieved. Not us, but you. You have done the work and drank when we led you! Continue to mark the advance occasion reached, with “Rewards & Treats”. Now you can let your partner join the Reward & Treats celebration – which they likely won’t deny you. You have done well. The Kairos Changement Recovery Programme team are your best cheer-leaders and we are constantly rooting for you wearing our ra-ra- skirts!
Session 3: Taking Stock
A taking stock and review of a significant journey. Nothing more important in your life that the journey to sobriety. The behaviours will have had their tentacles in all areas of your life. What a great and valuable legacy to pass on to your children – knowing that Sex, Porn, Love Addiction does get passed on to them. This is more valuable than the legacy you would leave them in your Will! Where you have missed the window to not have passed on the behaviours, then now look to the children and consider what you can do to bolster their future life without the behaviours. Let’s examine which of the tools you are using and which got discarded along the wayside and why. Do they need picking up and dusting off? Not let’s look at your new future. If you can see it, you can walk into it. Let’s shape it and design what it will look like, free of Sex, Porn, Love Addiction. Don’t miss out this step.
Session 4: Final Face to Face

Digital Workbook: 4
Each Kairos Changement Series is accompanied with a detailed Workbook helping you to understand all of the content shared. Consequently, it’s easy and convenient to review when you’re not using a screen or even when you are offline completely.