SERIES 3: Neuroscience of the Brain & Brain Response to Trauma and life’s issues
“…researchers recruited 64 healthy men between the ages of 21 and 45 years and asked them questions about their porn-watching habits. They also took images of the men’s brain to measure their volume and to see how their brains reacted to pornographic pictures, Reuters reported……We found that the volume of the so-called striatum, a brain region that has been associated with reward processing and motivated behavior was smaller the more pornography consumption the participants reported,” Kühn said. “Moreover we found that another brain region, that is also part of the striatum that is active when people see sexual stimuli, shows less activation the more pornography participants consumed.” -
Session 1: Attachment issues (part 1)
Attachment issues (part 1) is one of three ways that Sex, Porn, Love Addiction gets set up – (alongside Opportunity & Trauma). It has to do with the bonding in the early years of life, between the new-born and developing child, with their main caregivers (parental figures) and any disruption that takes place. That may have a profound effect upon the developing child and how insecurity gets set up as the brain tries to manage the deficits of a sense of detachment. Bullying, Boarding school, adoption, fostering, a sense of being different from others and not accepted in groupings, teams and family, can all play a part. That can massively affect how the child that becomes the Adult, interacts with others and does their adult relationships. Quite a big deal really and may hold the clues and keys to why you do life the way that you do it with other (or even, without others – but not by choice). Get it?
Session 2: Attachment issues (part 2)
Attachment issues (part 2) is about identifying which of the 4 Attachment styles fit you. You will then have moved stuff from the unconscious to the conscious and be better able to see you in your relationships with others. Quite profound really. Some very clever people have been able to categorise you and I and how we do relationships based upon those 4 categories.
Session 3: Brain functioning
Visualisations and pictures of the Brain structures and what they do. The Brain is complex yet very simple really if you understand it. Learn to switch your brain back on – with some help.
Session 4: Triggers
Triggers, know yours, then Risk Manage how to avoid, limit and Handle Triggers once Identified.
Session 5: Neural Pathway
Create new Neural Pathways whilst deconstructing existing patterns of unhealthy behaviours. What Core beliefs do you have that go to the heart of who you are, which unwittingly you have bought into over the years and the dictate and influence how you are doing life and co-exist with you – but may not be true at all. Yet they have lived rent free for years. Time to find and uncover them. Are they true and telling you truth about yourself? If they are not true, they need to go. No notice period, kick them out immediately. Use Cognitive Restructuring Techniques to interrogate them. If they are found wanting, then time to go or pay rent. Release their grip and hold in your life.
Session 6: Cognitive Distortions
Recognise Cognitive Distortions that are at work in the backgrounded behind the scenes are making plans in your absence, for you to act out, when you were convinced that you were not going to act out; but the morning after the night before reveals the truth of what you did not see was coming. How did that happen, when you were determined that you were not going to do anything? Learn to R.U.N when all else fails. May be getting a pet can help with your Recovery. Learn about the Pros & Cons of Music. How it can be a friend and a foe at the same time.

Digital Workbook: 3
Each Kairos Changement Series is accompanied with a detailed Workbook helping you to understand all of the content shared. Consequently, it’s easy and convenient to review when you’re not using a screen or even when you are offline completely.