Couples Counselling focus of the subsequent work

Couples Counselling focus of the subsequent work


Diagnostic Training for Couples and Marriage Therapy

(For Therapists)

Many clients experience emotional wounding during early development, and while they may learn coping mechanisms, these often prove insufficient. As therapists, we see clients who struggle with repeating patterns in their behavior, finding themselves doing the very things they wish to avoid, while failing to take the actions they desire. This is where family scripts often come into play—unconscious patterns passed down across generations. As therapists, it’s essential to recognize how these scripts manifest in our clients’ lives and provide them with the tools to break the cycle.

Clients’ problems often stem from unresolved and unprocessed childhood issues, which they re-enact in their adult relationships. The connection between the adult self and unfinished childhood business is profound. Yet, these issues can be challenging to pinpoint because they reside in the unconscious mind. As therapists, we know that helping clients access these deep-seated issues is key to facilitating meaningful change.

It is estimated that over 90% of conflicts in Couples Partnerships and Marriage are rooted in unmet Core Emotional Needs. When these needs are not fulfilled, individuals often resort to Fight, Flight, or Freeze responses. As therapists, we observe how this leads clients to compromise their deeply held values—values they wouldn’t otherwise abandon. This training will equip you to diagnose these dynamics and help clients navigate these emotional struggles in their relationships.

Without conscious awareness of the core issues, clients have little hope of changing their patterns. The Couples and Marriage Diagnostic Session is designed to bring these unconscious dynamics into conscious awareness, allowing therapists to guide their clients toward healing and positive change. This training will prepare you to offer that insight.

Training for Couples and Marriage Diagnostic Sessions

The Diagnostic Sessions for Individuals in Couples Partnerships or Marriages typically involve creating a Time/Lifeline, charting the highs and lows of a client’s life from birth to present. This process highlights the shaping influences of childhood and how they impact adult behavior. Alongside this, you will learn how to create a Genogram or Family Tree to help clients view their journey within the context of their wider family system.

This psycho-educational approach will help you, as a therapist, equip clients with insights and understanding as you move unconscious issues into conscious awareness. You’ll be trained to assist clients in making informed choices about the changes they wish to pursue—changes that align with their goals for the future.

What Can You Expect as a Trained Therapist?

Just like the hundreds of clients we have guided through Diagnostic Sessions, you will develop a framework for helping individuals achieve clarity around their key issues—issues that have often plagued them for years. Clients typically leave with significant insights and “aha” moments, but they may still need direction on what steps to take next. As a trained therapist, you’ll be prepared to help clients map out these next steps.

Your training will provide you with the skills to:

  • Help clients better understand the issues affecting their quality of life.
  • Identify and clarify their current emotional challenges.
  • Connect past traumas with present behaviors and their impact on the future.
  • Develop a road-map to align the client’s present circumstances with their desired future.
  • Create immediate, actionable steps toward resolving core issues and achieving their goals.
  • Strategize around long-term solutions to ensure lasting change and fulfillment.

Each set of Diagnostic Sessions involves 5 x 50-minute sessions conducted via a secure, encrypted webcam platform. This flexibility allows you to offer this powerful work to clients no matter where they are located.

Elevate Your Therapeutic Practice

As a therapist, you know that helping clients achieve meaningful, life-altering insights is a powerful experience. With this training, you’ll enhance your capacity to support individuals and couples in taking back control over their lives and becoming the best versions of themselves.

The time for your professional growth is now. This training will equip you with new tools to guide your clients toward profound healing and transformation. Don’t postpone your development as a therapist. Take the next step to enhance your practice.

“Kairos” means “Your appointed time.” For both your clients and yourself, the right time is now.

If you have any questions or wish to learn more about this training, please feel free to contact The Kairos Centre.

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