Porn Addict Therapy.
Porn addiction, like drugs and alcohol addiction, tends to require increase or vary over time. Therefore in order to get to the same level of arousal and stimulation, your behaviours may become more frequent or severe.
Sexual compulsive and addiction behaviours include:
- Magazine pornography
- Internet pornography (including phone and webcam use)
- Cybersex: Spending time online focused on sexual or romantic intrigue or involvement
- Compulsive masturbation
- Compulsive acting out
- Using escorts and/or prostitutes
- Chat rooms and social sites
- Texting and visiting sex sites
- Swinging and/or groups
- Multiple flirtation and/or affairs
- Sex binges
- fetishes and/or paraphilias
Multiple addictions.
Working on one addiction, with self help techniques, without sufficient specialist support, may result in other addictions re-surfacing. This may include gambling addiction, alcoholism & alcohol addiction, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, drug addiction, substance abuse and food addiction. Consequently we advise additional support during any porn addict therapy with Sexaholics Anoymous (SA), Sex Addiction Anonymous (SAA) or Sex and Love Addiction Anonymous (SLAA) – 12 steps programmes.
Porn Addict Therapy – Free 30 Minutes Video
In order to quickly analyse your potential addiction to porn, we have created a short video. Therefore you can help learn what is driving your behaviours. As a result you will be able to start to contimplate your own need for porn addict therapy.
Porn Addict Therapy: On-Demand
The Kairos Sex Addiction Changement Programme has helped hundreds of people, just like you, recover from love, sex and porn addiction. Consequently, based on our clients experience, we recognise the need to access the Sex Addiction Changement Programme instantly. As a result we are proud to present the World’s first online video recovery programme.
The Sex Addiction Changement Recovery Programme: On-Demand.
We have partnered with Vimeo to give you access to the full programme in a series of on demand videos. Vimeo is the No. 1 premium video on-demand service provider for thousands of online learning, educational and tutorial based programmes. We’ve put our trust in Vimeo, and you can put your trust in us, to deliver a 100% confidential experience all in the comfort and safety of your own home.
The Kairos Sex Addiction Changement Recovery Programme
Please take some time to watch an introductory video.

The Kairos Sex Addiction Changement Recovery programme is all about finding the real you and on the journey, expect to recover from Sex, porn, Love Addiction. It is about rewiring the addicted brain, based upon our evolving knowledge of Neuroscience.
The Sex Addiction process is an interaction of impairments in three fundamental systems: Affect regulation, Motivation-reward and Behavioural inhibition. Treatment is focused on all three areas. The addiction exists because there are unresolved past childhood issues, therefore the Programme begins with a Diagnostic Session. This puts you on a sounder footing, resourced, equipped and past issues resolved, from which you had been self-soothing and therefore an enhanced ability to achieve sobriety.
What Our Porn Addict Therapy Clients Say…
“After a great deal of soul searching I have decided that now is the time for me to end my therapy sessions with you. You have taken me on a journey of self discovery which has proven incredibly helpful and will continue to be invaluable to me as I move forwards to wholeness.”