4 Week Addiction Partners Support Group Course (Women Only)
Venue: The Kairos Therapy Centre
Dates & Times
10am to 12.30pm every Saturday morning below
(November 2019 to December 2019 session)
Saturday 16, 23, 30 November 2019 & 7 December 2019
Contact us to enquire about our next Female Partners Group support session or register, when no dates are advertised for this ongoing rolling programme of support.
Price: £395
Email or book (using Calendly) for a free no commitment, in confidence 10 minutes chat, as to whether this course is right for you. Numbers are restricted, so act now.
Who should enrol?
“He caused our problems and yet once again the focus and everyone’s attention is on him. The family income is being used by him again for his benefit, on top of the spend he has already enjoyed on his addiction. It’s just not fair. I am left here with his stuff and don’t know where to go or turn for help for me. That just is not right and is not fair. I feel so…..
Was it my fault or did I contribute? Was I not enough or good enough? How could I have been so stupid? How is it that I did not heed the signs that I now look back on and can see them? What do I do now? Do I really believe there is such a thing as sex addiction? Isn’t it just greed for more sex? What a nightmare? Where can I turn for help? What if people find out? How can I bear to carry this on my own? What about the children?
I am scared to join some form of women’s group. Their problems are not like mine. What if it gets out. My husband won’t agree to me attending a group. He is getting his help, but I have to hold on in there and not tell anyone in case. It’s just not right. It’s just not fair. This is my life. He has ruined it. What am I going to do?”
Partner or wife of a Judge, Minister, Barrister, Solicitor, Accountant, teacher, IT Consultant, utilities operator, facilities manager, HR Personnel, company Director, actor. Whichever of these male personnel to whom you are in relationship with, they and you have so much to lose and have already been impacted by their sex/porn/love addiction behaviours. Sex addiction can have its tentacles into your relationship with them and leave you carrying a very heavy burden. Silenced by “shame”, with few people there for you to talk to about this world, it takes a toll on your relationship and continues to undermine it.
Will it ever get better? Can he really stop the behaviours? Will I ever be able to trust him again? How do I know the children are safe? How do I compete with that stuff?
Why group?
Group psychotherapy is associated with favourable outcomes across a number of symptoms. You will face the strongest of resistance about getting involved. Many women will, however, testify to the fact that joining a group was the best outcome for their recovery. Why? The relief that other “progressive, got it all together women” are similarly affected! There is immediate shame reduction when you see normal, every day women facing the very same issues. Remember “Shame” is the base for keeping the men’s addiction firmly in place and shame will similarly keep you from the group.
Women partners of sex addicts are frequently overlooked when it comes to treatment regimes – which typically focus on the man. Here is an introductory, highly confidential workshop for women ONLY to consider just some of the issues raised about – if you are able to put some trust in this facility which is there for you to get the help you need. The aim is to facilitate likeminded women finding friendship and support amongst each other, which they develop outside of the meetings.
There is as yet only a handful of women’s support group for partners of sex addicts in a few parts of the country. Kairos Therapy Centre has developed such a support Group for Female partners who can attend in the Southwest region (Weston Super Mare, Somerset).
Subject to need and numbers, the Centre can facilitate a group in surrounding regions. If no group is running, why not email and register your name so that we can host one when I have 4 or 5 names or have one to one online of face to face individual sessions. Contact us for a chat.
What you can reasonably expect from completing this course – attendance at all sessions is essential:
- Highly confidential, numbers of between 5 to 8 women
- Teaching and discussion on the following:
- Definition of sex addiction and Love addiction
- Common understandable error patterns which partners fall into and battles they will lose
- The role of the addiction
- Partners absolute “No No’s”
- What can you learn about “Adult/Parent/Child” ego state interactions
- Family of Origin, contributors and what set up the addiction
- You are not alone
- Effect on the stars – Hollywood, Professionals, the good and the great, across the board – all are susceptible
- Evolution of the sexual template and map
- Cycle of addiction
- Your boundaries, secrets and full disclosure
- How much should I ask about his past behaviours?
- Trust, money, healthy sexuality
- Self responsibility & self care
- Own support groups – inner, middle & outer circles
- Attachment, Shame, Narcissism, Co-dependency
- Grief cycle
- Questions women ask; hope, fears and reservations
- Disclosure: family and the children
- Legality issues
- Restoring the relationship or leaving the relationship
- Recommended reading
“What most people outside the field do not know is that despite the significant symptoms of trauma that partners of sex addicts experience, the traditional sex addiction field to this day, still ignores these trauma-related symptoms and focuses instead on diagnosing partners as “co-addicts” and emphasizing treatment of codependency……
Existing models for treating partners of sex addicts that are based solely on co-addiction and codependency are inadequate, clinically contra-indicated….” Dr. Omar Minwalla,
Contemplative thoughts
- For us to experience the greater things, a greater character must be fashioned in us.
- Let hope arise and cause the darkness to hide.
- Commit to a purpose that will out live you.
- What happens in the mind of a man is always reflected in the disease of the body.
- No man, for any period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which is the true one.