Sex/Porn/Love Compulsivity/Addiction focus of the subsequent work

Sex/Porn/Love Compulsivity/Addiction focus of the subsequent work


Sex, Porn & Love Addicts Diagnostic Training

(For Therapists)

Sex, porn, and love addiction are complex issues often rooted in deeper emotional challenges, such as trauma, attachment disorders, and opportunities that fuel addictive behaviors. As therapists, it’s crucial to understand that sex addiction is not about the sexual activity itself—it’s about the underlying emotions driving the behavior. In this training, you’ll learn how to identify and address the core emotional needs that sex, porn, and love addictions serve, allowing you to guide clients toward lasting recovery.

Sex addiction is not about the sex—it’s a symptom of a much deeper issue. Clients don’t see with their eyes; they see with their brain, and their addictive behaviors are often a way to escape or meet an unmet emotional need. This training will provide you with the tools to explore these underlying needs and help clients achieve the healing they seek.

Understanding the Drivers of Addiction

The real challenge for clients is not the sex, porn, or love addiction itself, but rather the feeling they are chasing. They take big risks and cross boundaries to achieve the emotional state they are seeking. To effectively treat addiction, we must focus on identifying the underlying emotional drivers rather than simply addressing the behavior itself.

As a therapist, this training will teach you to ask a critical question: What purpose or role does the addiction serve for the individual? We’ll explore how to frame addiction not in terms of “sex” or “love” but rather through the lens of emotional states such as “admiration addiction,” “affirmation addiction,” or “endorsement addiction.” By identifying the specific emotional need behind the behavior, you will be able to create tailored interventions that address the core issues, preventing clients from simply shifting their addiction to another outlet.

The Sex, Porn & Love Addiction Diagnostic Process

This training will prepare you to offer diagnostic sessions that bring unconscious emotional needs into conscious awareness. As with any addiction, clients have little hope of changing behaviors they are not fully aware of. By diagnosing the emotional state fueling the addiction, you’ll help your clients gain the insight they need to take control of their lives.

The diagnostic sessions will involve a thorough history-taking process, where you’ll be trained to gather information about the client’s development from childhood to the present. Understanding their emotional and attachment history is key to identifying the root cause of the addiction.

Through this psycho-educational journey, clients will come to better understand their addiction and the emotional triggers driving their behavior. You’ll be equipped to guide them through this process, moving their unconscious patterns into conscious awareness, enabling informed choices about their future.

What You Can Expect as a Trained Therapist

Just like the many clients who have benefited from this process, you’ll gain the tools to help individuals gain clarity around their addiction and the core emotional issues it serves. Clients often experience powerful “aha” moments during this process, and as a trained therapist, you’ll be there to guide them in understanding and addressing their emotional needs.

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  • Help clients better understand the emotional issues impacting their quality of life.
  • Clarify their negative affects and addictive behaviors.
  • Assist clients in connecting their past traumas and attachment issues to their current behaviors.
  • Develop a clear road-map to help clients align their present actions with their desired future.
  • Create immediate actionable steps to help clients resolve their emotional triggers and move toward their goals.
  • Strategize with clients on long-term solutions to support sustained change and personal growth.

Training Details

Each set of Diagnostic Sessions is booked as 5 x 50-minute sessions conducted through a secure, encrypted webcam platform. You will learn how to deliver these sessions remotely, allowing you to work with clients regardless of their location.

This training will enhance your capacity as a therapist to work with clients struggling with sex, porn, and love addiction, giving you the skills to identify and address the underlying emotional drivers of addiction. By helping clients take back control of their lives, you’ll empower them to make meaningful and lasting changes.

Elevate Your Therapeutic Practice

As a therapist, you have the opportunity to make a significant impact on your clients’ lives. This training will equip you with the knowledge and tools to address the emotional roots of sex, porn, and love addiction, allowing you to offer transformative care. Don’t postpone your professional development—the time to enhance your practice is now.

“Kairos” means “Your appointed time.” For both you and your clients, the right time is now to take action and start making a difference.

If you have any questions or would like more information about this training, please feel free to contact The Kairos Centre.

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