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Singleness Diagnostic Training

(For Therapists)

Are you interested in helping clients struggling with unresolved emotional issues tied to singleness or relational challenges? This training equips therapists with the tools to explore how early childhood experiences and unconscious patterns shape adult behavior, especially for those dealing with singleness. Many individuals find themselves repeating unhealthy patterns, not because they want to, but because their unresolved issues from childhood continue to affect their lives.

Often, the root causes of these patterns remain hidden in the unconscious. As a therapist, this training will help you guide your clients in uncovering and addressing these deep-seated issues, empowering them to make meaningful, conscious changes.

Identifying the Unconscious Patterns in Singleness

Over 90% of relationship conflicts, including struggles with singleness, are often driven by unconscious efforts to meet Core Emotional Needs. When these needs are unmet, individuals may resort to unhelpful coping mechanisms such as Fight, Flight, or Freeze. These behaviors often lead to the compromise or outright dismissal of their core values, which, in turn, undermines their emotional well-being.

This training will teach you to recognize these patterns in your clients and help them bring their unconscious conflicts to light. Once they understand the underlying causes, clients can begin the process of healing and reclaiming control over their lives.

The Singleness Diagnostic Process

As a therapist, you will learn to facilitate Singleness Diagnostic Sessions that help clients uncover the life scripts and family patterns that influence their current behavior. These sessions typically involve creating a Time/Lifeline that charts key life events from birth to the present, alongside a Genogram/Family Tree to understand their position within the broader family system. These tools help uncover the emotional baggage that has carried over from childhood into adulthood, influencing how clients approach relationships and singleness.

This training equips you to guide clients through this psycho-educational journey, helping them move their unconscious issues into conscious awareness. With this newfound insight, your clients will be able to make informed decisions about the future they want for themselves.

What You Can Expect from the Training

Just as the hundreds of clients who have gone through these diagnostic sessions have left with clarity and profound insights, you will learn how to facilitate these powerful breakthroughs for your clients. Your role as a therapist will be to help clients identify the core emotional issues that have been holding them back from living life to the fullest.

As a trained therapist, you’ll be able to:

  • Help clients better understand the emotional issues affecting their quality of life.
  • Clarify the negative affects influencing their behavior and relationships.
  • Explore how past traumas and unresolved issues are impacting their present and future.
  • Develop roadmaps for clients to align their present with their desired future.
  • Guide clients through actionable steps to resolve their emotional triggers and work toward their goals.
  • Strategize with clients on sustainable approaches to support lasting change and growth.

Training Details

Each set of Diagnostic Sessions is booked as 5 x 50-minute sessions conducted through a secure, encrypted webcam platform. In this training, you’ll learn how to conduct these sessions effectively in a remote setting, allowing you to work with clients worldwide.

This training is designed to enhance your capacity to work with individuals struggling with singleness or unresolved emotional issues from their past. By moving these issues into conscious awareness, you’ll help your clients make better choices for their future.

Elevate Your Therapeutic Practice

Helping your clients take control of their lives and overcome the unconscious issues affecting them is a rewarding process. This training will provide you with the tools and insights to help individuals transform their lives, empowering them to be the best they can be. The time to enhance your therapeutic skills is now—don’t postpone your professional growth.

“Kairos” means “Your appointed time.” As a therapist, this is your time to deepen your practice and make a lasting impact on your clients’ lives.

If you have any questions about this training or would like more information, please feel free to contact The Kairos Centre.

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