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Diagnostic Supervision & Mentoring Sessions for Therapists

As therapists, we often face personal and professional challenges that we may not even fully recognize. The unconscious patterns that shape our lives and work can go unnoticed until we shine a light on them. You cannot change what you cannot see, and when these hidden dynamics influence your decision-making, creativity, or how you engage with your clients, it can prevent you from functioning at your full potential.

Are you finding that your practice could be more effective? That your career path could be clearer? Or that your personal growth as a therapist could be deeper? It may be time to bring the unseen into the conscious, to uncover the barriers holding you back from reaching your highest potential as a therapist.

What Are Diagnostic Sessions for Therapists?

As a therapist seeking professional growth, these diagnostic sessions will help you explore your own blind spots and unconscious barriers that could be influencing your work. In these sessions, I will guide you through a process that brings clarity to areas of your life and practice that need attention. Whether it’s improving your business decisions, enhancing your creativity, or deepening your client relationships, we will work together to highlight the areas that need change.

By bringing the unconscious into awareness, you’ll have the opportunity to make targeted, meaningful changes in both your personal and professional life.

What to Expect from the Sessions

Over the course of five 50-minute diagnostic sessions, we’ll work together to:

  • Identify and bring to the surface the unconscious patterns that may be influencing your therapeutic practice or personal development.
  • Gain clarity on how these patterns affect your decisions, your relationships with clients, and your career trajectory.
  • Highlight specific areas for change and create a plan to begin the process of transformation.
  • Move forward with greater self-awareness and a clearer path for continued growth as a therapist.

This is a modest investment in your own professional development—five diagnostic sessions for £395.

Why Supervision and Mentoring Matter

As therapists, our growth doesn’t stop at professional qualifications. Supervision and mentoring are vital for ongoing development, helping you refine your therapeutic approach, deepen your self-awareness, and ensure you are providing the best possible care to your clients. When you can better see your own patterns and potential blind spots, you’ll not only enhance your practice, but also your personal life.

Changing Your Practice Begins with Awareness

Change is a continuum, and it starts when we bring what’s hidden into the light. By making the unconscious conscious, you initiate a process of transformation that can elevate your work, creativity, and decision-making. The diagnostic process will help you take that first step—moving what’s invisible into the visible, so you can begin the process of change.

Elevate Your Therapeutic Practice

As Tauren Wells wisely said:

“The difference between you and what you see, is based on what you hear. What you hear, is based on who you listen to. Who you listen to, determines what you hear. What you hear determines what you see. What you see, determines how you respond. How you respond, determines what you experience. So, if you want to change your experiences, you have to shift your sources.”

It’s time to shift your sources. Supervision and mentoring can provide you with the authentic insights you need to grow—personally and professionally.

Get in Touch

If you’re ready to bring clarity to your practice and elevate your therapeutic work, I’m available for both supervision and mentoring.

To book your sessions or ask any questions, contact The Kairos Centre:
Phone: +44 7866 097247
Email: [email protected]

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