Training to use The Kairos Centre tools to DIAGNOSE (one to one or Group webinar delivery):

Training to use The Kairos Centre tools to DIAGNOSE (one to one or Group webinar delivery):2024-09-27T10:09:06+01:00

This is via one to one or group webinar. Prior to embarking upon the substantive work (as the Therapist) it is useful to have a good understanding the the key issues to focus upon. That is done as a case formulation with the client.

These Diagnostic sessions are similar to taking the vehicle to the garage for its MOT. The vehicle is plugged in and the computer is able to diagnose the issues, for which the customer receives a printout showing the areas that need investigation and work. In a similar way, in these 5 Diagnostic sessions, you will be given the resources and tools to diagnose and create the case formulation alongside the client, with your hypothesis for the future work – aiding the clients reflections.

You are booking each diagnostic training separately. Each of those subject matters are 3 hours in length via secure webcam. And each block of 3 hours per discipline, costs £150. Reductions available where there are two or more in a group (each individual can be in different locations on Zoom Webcams).

Pay in 3 interest-free payments with PayPal is available on all purchases

Sex Therapy focus of the subsequent work

  • Diagnostic Session

Sexual Dysfunction & Sex Therapy Diagnostic Training

(For Therapists)

To fully address sexual dysfunction in clients, it’s essential to delve into their past. The sexual template that crystallizes at puberty is shaped by earlier life experiences. These predisposing factors are often set long before clients reach adulthood. While we cannot change the past, understanding and exploring it provides crucial insights into how we can guide clients toward lasting change in their future sexual functioning.

As therapists, this training will equip you to diagnose and address sexual dysfunction in couples. The focus will be on helping clients modify their cognitive patterns—specifically, shifting their anticipatory thinking and expectations around sexual performance and failure. By changing these mental frameworks, clients can change their behaviors, fostering improved outcomes in their sexual relationships.

This training will help you guide clients to rewire their brain’s behavior patterns. Through new positive experiences, neural pathways are created that reinforce good outcomes. Over time, clients’ brains will become more inclined to repeat successful sexual behaviors, while moving away from negative patterns associated with shame, failure, and dissatisfaction. This positive reinforcement—coupled with practical rewards and strategies—will encourage long-term change and improvement.

The Sexual Dysfunction Diagnostic Process

As a therapist, you are already aware that unconscious patterns are difficult to change without first bringing them to light. The Sexual Dysfunction Diagnostic Sessions are designed to help you facilitate this process, moving these unconscious issues into your client’s conscious awareness, where they can be addressed. This training will provide you with the tools to guide clients through this transformational process, enabling them to take back control of their sexual health and overall well-being.

During the diagnostic process, clients within a couples partnership or marriage will undergo an extensive history-taking session. You will learn how to ask the right questions to gain a detailed understanding of your client’s sexual development, from childhood to the present. This profile-building process is essential to uncover the root causes of their behaviors and patterns.

The psycho-educational approach of this training will empower you to help clients gain deep insights and understanding. By moving unconscious issues into the conscious realm, clients can make informed choices about their future and take action to change behaviors that no longer serve them.

What You Can Expect as a Trained Therapist

Just as hundreds of clients have benefited from these diagnostic sessions, this training will give you the tools to help individuals gain clarity around the key issues impacting their sexual health. Many clients experience profound “aha” moments during this process, as they begin to see the patterns that have limited their sexual satisfaction and overall quality of life.

As a therapist trained in Sexual Dysfunction Diagnostic Sessions, you will be able to:

  • Help clients better understand the issues affecting their sexual health and quality of life.
  • Identify and clarify negative sexual patterns and emotional triggers.
  • Assist clients in understanding how past experiences influence present sexual dysfunction and future potential.
  • Develop a clear road-map for aligning clients’ present behaviors with their desired sexual future.
  • Provide immediate, actionable steps to resolve these issues, allowing clients to move toward their goals.
  • Strategize long-term solutions that support sustained positive change in sexual functioning and intimacy.

Training Details

Each set of Diagnostic Sessions is structured into 5 x 50-minute sessions conducted through a secure, encrypted webcam platform. This flexibility allows you to work with clients no matter their location. You will be trained to deliver these sessions in a way that is both impactful and accessible.

This training will enhance your ability to help clients take back control of their sexual lives, empower them to make better choices, and equip them with the skills necessary to transform negative patterns into positive ones. As a therapist, this will be a significant addition to your skillset, enabling you to offer transformative support to clients experiencing sexual dysfunction.

Elevate Your Therapeutic Practice

Now is the time to expand your therapeutic capabilities. By undergoing this training, you’ll deepen your understanding of sexual dysfunction and gain practical tools to help your clients make lasting changes. Don’t postpone your own professional growth—this training is designed to be life-changing not only for your clients but also for your practice.

“Kairos” means “Your appointed time.” The right time is now, both for your development as a therapist and for the clients you are destined to help.

If you have any questions or would like more information about this training, feel free to contact The Kairos Centre.

Couples Counselling focus of the subsequent work

  • Diagnostic Session

Diagnostic Training for Couples and Marriage Therapy

(For Therapists)

Many clients experience emotional wounding during early development, and while they may learn coping mechanisms, these often prove insufficient. As therapists, we see clients who struggle with repeating patterns in their behavior, finding themselves doing the very things they wish to avoid, while failing to take the actions they desire. This is where family scripts often come into play—unconscious patterns passed down across generations. As therapists, it’s essential to recognize how these scripts manifest in our clients’ lives and provide them with the tools to break the cycle.

Clients’ problems often stem from unresolved and unprocessed childhood issues, which they re-enact in their adult relationships. The connection between the adult self and unfinished childhood business is profound. Yet, these issues can be challenging to pinpoint because they reside in the unconscious mind. As therapists, we know that helping clients access these deep-seated issues is key to facilitating meaningful change.

It is estimated that over 90% of conflicts in Couples Partnerships and Marriage are rooted in unmet Core Emotional Needs. When these needs are not fulfilled, individuals often resort to Fight, Flight, or Freeze responses. As therapists, we observe how this leads clients to compromise their deeply held values—values they wouldn’t otherwise abandon. This training will equip you to diagnose these dynamics and help clients navigate these emotional struggles in their relationships.

Without conscious awareness of the core issues, clients have little hope of changing their patterns. The Couples and Marriage Diagnostic Session is designed to bring these unconscious dynamics into conscious awareness, allowing therapists to guide their clients toward healing and positive change. This training will prepare you to offer that insight.

Training for Couples and Marriage Diagnostic Sessions

The Diagnostic Sessions for Individuals in Couples Partnerships or Marriages typically involve creating a Time/Lifeline, charting the highs and lows of a client’s life from birth to present. This process highlights the shaping influences of childhood and how they impact adult behavior. Alongside this, you will learn how to create a Genogram or Family Tree to help clients view their journey within the context of their wider family system.

This psycho-educational approach will help you, as a therapist, equip clients with insights and understanding as you move unconscious issues into conscious awareness. You’ll be trained to assist clients in making informed choices about the changes they wish to pursue—changes that align with their goals for the future.

What Can You Expect as a Trained Therapist?

Just like the hundreds of clients we have guided through Diagnostic Sessions, you will develop a framework for helping individuals achieve clarity around their key issues—issues that have often plagued them for years. Clients typically leave with significant insights and “aha” moments, but they may still need direction on what steps to take next. As a trained therapist, you’ll be prepared to help clients map out these next steps.

Your training will provide you with the skills to:

  • Help clients better understand the issues affecting their quality of life.
  • Identify and clarify their current emotional challenges.
  • Connect past traumas with present behaviors and their impact on the future.
  • Develop a road-map to align the client’s present circumstances with their desired future.
  • Create immediate, actionable steps toward resolving core issues and achieving their goals.
  • Strategize around long-term solutions to ensure lasting change and fulfillment.

Each set of Diagnostic Sessions involves 5 x 50-minute sessions conducted via a secure, encrypted webcam platform. This flexibility allows you to offer this powerful work to clients no matter where they are located.

Elevate Your Therapeutic Practice

As a therapist, you know that helping clients achieve meaningful, life-altering insights is a powerful experience. With this training, you’ll enhance your capacity to support individuals and couples in taking back control over their lives and becoming the best versions of themselves.

The time for your professional growth is now. This training will equip you with new tools to guide your clients toward profound healing and transformation. Don’t postpone your development as a therapist. Take the next step to enhance your practice.

“Kairos” means “Your appointed time.” For both your clients and yourself, the right time is now.

If you have any questions or wish to learn more about this training, please feel free to contact The Kairos Centre.

Sex/Porn/Love Compulsivity/Addiction focus of the subsequent work

  • Diagnostic Session

Sex, Porn & Love Addicts Diagnostic Training

(For Therapists)

Sex, porn, and love addiction are complex issues often rooted in deeper emotional challenges, such as trauma, attachment disorders, and opportunities that fuel addictive behaviors. As therapists, it’s crucial to understand that sex addiction is not about the sexual activity itself—it’s about the underlying emotions driving the behavior. In this training, you’ll learn how to identify and address the core emotional needs that sex, porn, and love addictions serve, allowing you to guide clients toward lasting recovery.

Sex addiction is not about the sex—it’s a symptom of a much deeper issue. Clients don’t see with their eyes; they see with their brain, and their addictive behaviors are often a way to escape or meet an unmet emotional need. This training will provide you with the tools to explore these underlying needs and help clients achieve the healing they seek.

Understanding the Drivers of Addiction

The real challenge for clients is not the sex, porn, or love addiction itself, but rather the feeling they are chasing. They take big risks and cross boundaries to achieve the emotional state they are seeking. To effectively treat addiction, we must focus on identifying the underlying emotional drivers rather than simply addressing the behavior itself.

As a therapist, this training will teach you to ask a critical question: What purpose or role does the addiction serve for the individual? We’ll explore how to frame addiction not in terms of “sex” or “love” but rather through the lens of emotional states such as “admiration addiction,” “affirmation addiction,” or “endorsement addiction.” By identifying the specific emotional need behind the behavior, you will be able to create tailored interventions that address the core issues, preventing clients from simply shifting their addiction to another outlet.

The Sex, Porn & Love Addiction Diagnostic Process

This training will prepare you to offer diagnostic sessions that bring unconscious emotional needs into conscious awareness. As with any addiction, clients have little hope of changing behaviors they are not fully aware of. By diagnosing the emotional state fueling the addiction, you’ll help your clients gain the insight they need to take control of their lives.

The diagnostic sessions will involve a thorough history-taking process, where you’ll be trained to gather information about the client’s development from childhood to the present. Understanding their emotional and attachment history is key to identifying the root cause of the addiction.

Through this psycho-educational journey, clients will come to better understand their addiction and the emotional triggers driving their behavior. You’ll be equipped to guide them through this process, moving their unconscious patterns into conscious awareness, enabling informed choices about their future.

What You Can Expect as a Trained Therapist

Just like the many clients who have benefited from this process, you’ll gain the tools to help individuals gain clarity around their addiction and the core emotional issues it serves. Clients often experience powerful “aha” moments during this process, and as a trained therapist, you’ll be there to guide them in understanding and addressing their emotional needs.

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  • Help clients better understand the emotional issues impacting their quality of life.
  • Clarify their negative affects and addictive behaviors.
  • Assist clients in connecting their past traumas and attachment issues to their current behaviors.
  • Develop a clear road-map to help clients align their present actions with their desired future.
  • Create immediate actionable steps to help clients resolve their emotional triggers and move toward their goals.
  • Strategize with clients on long-term solutions to support sustained change and personal growth.

Training Details

Each set of Diagnostic Sessions is booked as 5 x 50-minute sessions conducted through a secure, encrypted webcam platform. You will learn how to deliver these sessions remotely, allowing you to work with clients regardless of their location.

This training will enhance your capacity as a therapist to work with clients struggling with sex, porn, and love addiction, giving you the skills to identify and address the underlying emotional drivers of addiction. By helping clients take back control of their lives, you’ll empower them to make meaningful and lasting changes.

Elevate Your Therapeutic Practice

As a therapist, you have the opportunity to make a significant impact on your clients’ lives. This training will equip you with the knowledge and tools to address the emotional roots of sex, porn, and love addiction, allowing you to offer transformative care. Don’t postpone your professional development—the time to enhance your practice is now.

“Kairos” means “Your appointed time.” For both you and your clients, the right time is now to take action and start making a difference.

If you have any questions or would like more information about this training, please feel free to contact The Kairos Centre.

Singleness focus of the subsequent work

  • Diagnostic Session

Singleness Diagnostic Training

(For Therapists)

Are you interested in helping clients struggling with unresolved emotional issues tied to singleness or relational challenges? This training equips therapists with the tools to explore how early childhood experiences and unconscious patterns shape adult behavior, especially for those dealing with singleness. Many individuals find themselves repeating unhealthy patterns, not because they want to, but because their unresolved issues from childhood continue to affect their lives.

Often, the root causes of these patterns remain hidden in the unconscious. As a therapist, this training will help you guide your clients in uncovering and addressing these deep-seated issues, empowering them to make meaningful, conscious changes.

Identifying the Unconscious Patterns in Singleness

Over 90% of relationship conflicts, including struggles with singleness, are often driven by unconscious efforts to meet Core Emotional Needs. When these needs are unmet, individuals may resort to unhelpful coping mechanisms such as Fight, Flight, or Freeze. These behaviors often lead to the compromise or outright dismissal of their core values, which, in turn, undermines their emotional well-being.

This training will teach you to recognize these patterns in your clients and help them bring their unconscious conflicts to light. Once they understand the underlying causes, clients can begin the process of healing and reclaiming control over their lives.

The Singleness Diagnostic Process

As a therapist, you will learn to facilitate Singleness Diagnostic Sessions that help clients uncover the life scripts and family patterns that influence their current behavior. These sessions typically involve creating a Time/Lifeline that charts key life events from birth to the present, alongside a Genogram/Family Tree to understand their position within the broader family system. These tools help uncover the emotional baggage that has carried over from childhood into adulthood, influencing how clients approach relationships and singleness.

This training equips you to guide clients through this psycho-educational journey, helping them move their unconscious issues into conscious awareness. With this newfound insight, your clients will be able to make informed decisions about the future they want for themselves.

What You Can Expect from the Training

Just as the hundreds of clients who have gone through these diagnostic sessions have left with clarity and profound insights, you will learn how to facilitate these powerful breakthroughs for your clients. Your role as a therapist will be to help clients identify the core emotional issues that have been holding them back from living life to the fullest.

As a trained therapist, you’ll be able to:

  • Help clients better understand the emotional issues affecting their quality of life.
  • Clarify the negative affects influencing their behavior and relationships.
  • Explore how past traumas and unresolved issues are impacting their present and future.
  • Develop roadmaps for clients to align their present with their desired future.
  • Guide clients through actionable steps to resolve their emotional triggers and work toward their goals.
  • Strategize with clients on sustainable approaches to support lasting change and growth.

Training Details

Each set of Diagnostic Sessions is booked as 5 x 50-minute sessions conducted through a secure, encrypted webcam platform. In this training, you’ll learn how to conduct these sessions effectively in a remote setting, allowing you to work with clients worldwide.

This training is designed to enhance your capacity to work with individuals struggling with singleness or unresolved emotional issues from their past. By moving these issues into conscious awareness, you’ll help your clients make better choices for their future.

Elevate Your Therapeutic Practice

Helping your clients take control of their lives and overcome the unconscious issues affecting them is a rewarding process. This training will provide you with the tools and insights to help individuals transform their lives, empowering them to be the best they can be. The time to enhance your therapeutic skills is now—don’t postpone your professional growth.

“Kairos” means “Your appointed time.” As a therapist, this is your time to deepen your practice and make a lasting impact on your clients’ lives.

If you have any questions about this training or would like more information, please feel free to contact The Kairos Centre.

Business/Entrepreneurial under performance focus for the subsequent work

  • Diagnostic Session

Diagnostic Supervision & Mentoring Sessions for Therapists

As therapists, we often face personal and professional challenges that we may not even fully recognize. The unconscious patterns that shape our lives and work can go unnoticed until we shine a light on them. You cannot change what you cannot see, and when these hidden dynamics influence your decision-making, creativity, or how you engage with your clients, it can prevent you from functioning at your full potential.

Are you finding that your practice could be more effective? That your career path could be clearer? Or that your personal growth as a therapist could be deeper? It may be time to bring the unseen into the conscious, to uncover the barriers holding you back from reaching your highest potential as a therapist.

What Are Diagnostic Sessions for Therapists?

As a therapist seeking professional growth, these diagnostic sessions will help you explore your own blind spots and unconscious barriers that could be influencing your work. In these sessions, I will guide you through a process that brings clarity to areas of your life and practice that need attention. Whether it’s improving your business decisions, enhancing your creativity, or deepening your client relationships, we will work together to highlight the areas that need change.

By bringing the unconscious into awareness, you’ll have the opportunity to make targeted, meaningful changes in both your personal and professional life.

What to Expect from the Sessions

Over the course of five 50-minute diagnostic sessions, we’ll work together to:

  • Identify and bring to the surface the unconscious patterns that may be influencing your therapeutic practice or personal development.
  • Gain clarity on how these patterns affect your decisions, your relationships with clients, and your career trajectory.
  • Highlight specific areas for change and create a plan to begin the process of transformation.
  • Move forward with greater self-awareness and a clearer path for continued growth as a therapist.

This is a modest investment in your own professional development—five diagnostic sessions for £395.

Why Supervision and Mentoring Matter

As therapists, our growth doesn’t stop at professional qualifications. Supervision and mentoring are vital for ongoing development, helping you refine your therapeutic approach, deepen your self-awareness, and ensure you are providing the best possible care to your clients. When you can better see your own patterns and potential blind spots, you’ll not only enhance your practice, but also your personal life.

Changing Your Practice Begins with Awareness

Change is a continuum, and it starts when we bring what’s hidden into the light. By making the unconscious conscious, you initiate a process of transformation that can elevate your work, creativity, and decision-making. The diagnostic process will help you take that first step—moving what’s invisible into the visible, so you can begin the process of change.

Elevate Your Therapeutic Practice

As Tauren Wells wisely said:

“The difference between you and what you see, is based on what you hear. What you hear, is based on who you listen to. Who you listen to, determines what you hear. What you hear determines what you see. What you see, determines how you respond. How you respond, determines what you experience. So, if you want to change your experiences, you have to shift your sources.”

It’s time to shift your sources. Supervision and mentoring can provide you with the authentic insights you need to grow—personally and professionally.

Get in Touch

If you’re ready to bring clarity to your practice and elevate your therapeutic work, I’m available for both supervision and mentoring.

To book your sessions or ask any questions, contact The Kairos Centre:
Phone: +44 7866 097247
Email: [email protected]

If you are unsure of anything, please call us for a friendly and confidential chat.

+44 (0)7866 097247

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