4 Week Group Intensive Course for Sex & Porn Addiction
4 full days over 4 weekly group face to face workshops.
Venue: The Kairos Therapy Centre
Dates & Times
9am to 4.30pm every Saturday below
(October to November 2019 session)
Saturday 5, 12, 19 October 2019 & 2 November 2019
(The course and fee includes 3 one to one 50 mins History Taking and diagnosis individual session with each delegate prior to starting the course).
Price: £995 payable in full and discounted to £900 if full payment by 1 September 2019 or by 3 equal instalments.
Email or book (using Calendly) for a free no commitment, in confidence 10 minutes chat, as to whether this course is right for you. Numbers are restricted, so act now.
Who should enrol?
If you or someone you know suspects you may have an inappropriate relationship with sex, social media and dating sites with a propensity towards a too frequent repeat sexual outlet; risk taking and exceeding boundaries and at risk of damaging relationships, the law or own sexual and social health.
Addiction process is an interaction of impairments in three fundamental systems: Affect regulation, Motivation-reward and Behavioural inhibition. Treatment is focused on all three areas and so where there are unresolved past childhood issues, we will suggest consider EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing) before moving on to the contents of this Recovery Programme. Then you are is in a better resourced, equipped and healed place to break the addiction. Otherwise, undertake EMDR whilst also completing the Recovery Programme.
The Kairos Therapy Centre Changement Programme develops under these 4 themes:
Theme 1: How did I get here with this addiction?
- Born into this world and as a new born baby the brand new brain now starts to collect impressions of life deposited as experiences on the new hard drive/blank CD/DVD of the brain using the five senses. Good, bad, indifference, neutral, those impressions are registered in the memory of the brain and you may not know they exist until in later years you react to a scenario in a particular way which catches even you by surprise. Pre-verbal initially, you cannot easily retrieve the memories because they were not processed, register and stored in the correct alphabetical order in the filing cabinet of the brain.
- But those childhood experiences will have predisposed you/set you up with a propensity toward repeat behaviours in later years.
- Childhood development is a key journey in the evolving imprints that will crystalise into a template which template you will play out now for the rest of adult life. What went into that template which crystalised at puberty, including the formation of the sexual template?
- Attachment, Shame, Narcissism are being set up.
- Trauma, Opportunity, Attachment issues are the 3 types that induce sex addiction and therefore become the triggers for ongoing “Acting Out”.
Theme 2: Coming to terms with sex/love addiction
- Acknowledge it
- Seek help
- Extensive history Taking
- How did I get here
- Feedback and diagnosis: Sexual imprinting, Homeostasis & Cognitive neural restructuring.
Theme 3: What you need to know about sex/porn/love addiction
- Psycho-Education
- It does not fight fair
- Impact on your relationships and partner
- Harmful consequences
Theme 4: The tools and Relapse prevention strategies
- Use of the tools for the longer term
- Support:
What you can reasonably expect from completing this course – attendance at all sessions is essential:
- Extensive history taking and diagnose – love of sex or a true addiction/compulsion or is it Love addiction – what is the difference?
- How did I get here?
- What I wish I’d known about porn.
- Learning about Childhood development, sexual map, template and imprinting.
- Porn-blockers, R.A.I.N, Harmful Consequences, Hollywood greats & 12 steps groups support.
- Reciting the “Pillars”, stages of change and motivation to change
emotional needs, your Values, Core beliefs, Triggers & Emotional purpose it serves.
- The Cycle of sex addiction and getting off.
- Undermining and challenge shame/toxic shame, which keeps the addiction in place and hidden.
- Understand the role played by Narcissism.
- Better understand “Attachment” and childhood issues that can be seen as “trauma” and set up the desire to self-soothe.
- Increased knowledge from a psych-educational journey (imparting significant of knowledge and information), so that the unconscious is moved into the conscious, so you can better see, understand and endeavour to effect change of what you can now see and better understand.
- Better Neuroscience understanding of the brain and trauma and brain functioning.
- Practical, useable lifelong tools for achieving sobriety and ending addiction in your life.
- Identifying triggers and managing your triggers, with risk management techniques.
- Defining your acceptable sexual outlets and boundaries and those that are contrary to maintaining sobriety.
- Understand the impact on a female partner and others (including children).
- Relapse prevention tools and a life fit for long term recovery.
The Sex and/or Love addiction Recovery program
(Rewiring the addicted brain – from our evolving knowledge of Neuroscience) .
To enhance and maximise your learning and equipping, there will be weekly homework between sessions, for you to undertake.
Group psychotherapy is associated with favourable outcomes across a number of symptoms. This is not just a Kairos Therapy Centre Recovery programme, but “…is all about reclaiming your life and on the way, achieving sobriety from sex/porn/love addiction and compulsivity behaviours.”
Contemplative thoughts
- For us to experience the greater things, a greater character must be fashioned in us.
- Let hope arise and cause the darkness to hide.
- Commit to a purpose that will out live you.
- What happens in the mind of a man is always reflected in the disease of the body.
- No man, for any period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which is the true one.